Do you have an amazing transformation you'd like to share?
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Harper 2" Strips on vintage dresser
by Lindy Crain
"Harper" under glass
by Lindsay Whittenberg
"Harper" panels transform a sideboard
on The Nate Berkus Show
"Grace" pattern on painted formica cabinets.
(Before below)
Custom "Caci" panel
Custom "Fiona" used on cornice
"Natalie" on headboard
6"x29" Annes on 6 drawer MALM dresser painted navy.
We have more thicknesses available through our custom department!
O'livia on IKEA Trondheim dresser via The Design Pages
7x29" Olivia on MALM dresser
7"x 29.33" Fiona on MALM

2" Harper Strips used around vintage dresser drawers.
A great alternative to custom.
(2" strips available in Greek Key, Harper and Lolita for $2.25 per foot)
2" Greek Key used under crown molding by Gail Clevenger...
Custom Gigi as wainscoting under chair rail...
5"x19" Danika on vintage dresser via Bri of Me you and a wiener...
7x22" Danika panels on mirror...
7x30" Greek Key on Malm
7x22" Greek Key on Rast dresser
2" Greek Key on Ikea Lack table
(Sold by the foot or in Lack table Kit)
7x14" Pagoda and Cheryle on Malm 2 drawer dresser
Greek Key on Malm via Amanda Carol at Home
7x22"Caci on Rast Dresser
(4) 7x30" Caci Panels on IKEA Hemnes Wardrobe via Limbic Fire
7x30"Gigi Panels on IKEA Koppang dresser via Picket Fences
13.75" Gigi squares used under glass on painted Crate and Barrel console table
13.75" Gigi squares used as a partition
7x22" Gigi on IKEA Rast Dresser